





January 21, 2004

The Philadelphia Diesel Difference - Working Group Meeting
30th Street Station
The Chapel Room
30th and Market Streets
Philadelphia, PA 19103


Kevin Benson, Fleetguard Emissions.
April Birnbaum, Air Management Services, Department of Public Health, Philadelphia.
William Campbell, Seasoned Energy.
Francine Carlini, PA DEP
Ray Chalmers, US EPA, Region III.
Eric Cheung, Clean Air Council/Clean Cities Program.
Joseph Colella, Sunoco.
A.J. Dowd, National Railroad Passenger Corporation, Amtrak.
Morris Fine, Air Management Services, Department of Public Health, Philadelphia.
Kirt Flowers, Amtrak Automotive Group.
Michael Gray, Rentar Environmental Solutions.
John Hadalski, Managing Director's Office, Philadelphia.
Darlene Heep, Law Department, Philadelphia.
Abey John, Diesel Engine Transformations.
Jack Lebeau, Rentar Environmental Solutions.
Deborah McNeal, Sunoco.
Bill Miller, Temple University, Civil Engineering.
Roberta Perry, Temple University, Environmental Engineering.
Latonia Peters, Asthma Busters.
Jeff Rosen, Rentar Environmental Solutions.
Bill Ross, Sprague Energy.
Richard Ross, School District of Philadelphia.
Thomas Sandin, EkoBalans.
Jack Schweitzer, Amtrak Environmental.
Jienki Synn, DVRPC.
Chris Thomas, Managing Director's Office, Philadelphia.
Derek Williams, General Electric.
Carolyn Wisniewski, American Lung Association of Pennsylvania.
Lisa Zubowicz, Penn Future.


Mr. Morris Fine, Director of Air Management Services, Department of Public Health, City of Philadelphia, welcomed all in attendance. He thanks Amtrak for the use of the Chapel Room as a meeting venue and for providing refreshments. Mr. Fine also acknowledged all new members in attendance, including representatives from the American Lung Association of Pennsylvania, the Asthma Busters of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, General Electric, and the Law Department of the City of Philadelphia.

Mr. Fine asked representatives of diesel fleets if there are other services that the Diesel Difference can provide, which would encourage them to participate in the installation of clean diesel technologies. Representatives suggested assistance in the procurement of funding sources and improving the availability of ultra low sulfur diesel in the Greater Philadelphia area. Please send any additional ideas to Ms. April Birnbaum at April.Birnbaum@phila.gov.


Ms. April Birnbaum presented a report from the Corporate Sponsorship Sub-Committee in Mr. Bill Coughlin's absentia. Attached is a copy of the Corporate Sponsorship Report that was presented on January 21, 2004.


Ms. April Birnbaum, Chair of the Sub-Committee on Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Credits, presented a report for the Sub-Committee on Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Credits. During a December 9, 2003 conference call, Mr. Kevin Snape volunteered to conduct introductory modeling for the emissions reduction credits that could result from a diesel retrofit project and their associated market value. Unfortunately, the staff member assigned to this task at Lubrizol has recently taken ill. Accordingly, the Working Group aims to present a follow-up report to this modeling effort at the February Diesel Difference Workgroup Meeting.


Mr. Ray Chalmers, Chair of the Organizational Structure Sub-Committee, presented a report for the Sub-Committee on Organizational Structure. This report includes recommendations for a general description, an organizational structure, the decision-making processes, and the administrative procedures of the Philadelphia Diesel Difference. It is the product of guidance provided by Organizational Structure Sub-Committee members within recent months. The Working Group voted to accept the principles behind these recommendations, as motioned by Mr. John Hadalski and seconded by Mr. Jack LeBeau. Due to potential legal considerations, further editing will be performed on the language of the document within the coming weeks. Attached is a copy of the Organizational Structure Report that was presented on January 21, 2004.

A primary issue that emerged throughout the discussion of this report was the absence of a position on the proposed Executive Committee for a representative from the clean diesel technology vendor segment of the Working Group. Mr. Chalmers addressed this concern by noting that a representative from a clean diesel technology vendor participated in the Organizational Structure Sub-Committee and maintains that the presence of a vendor on the Executive Committee would largely serve as a conflict of interest in decision-making capacities. Other vendors present at the January Working Group Meeting agreed with this sentiment. In order to appropriately channel the scientific and technical expertise of vendors and other academic representatives of the Working Group, a Technical Sub-Committee will be established at the February Working Group meeting.


Mr. Eric Cheung of the Clean Air Council/Clean Cities Program updated the Working Group as to the status of the working partnership held between the Clean Air Council and the Philadelphia Diesel Difference. Mr. Cheung and Mr. Aaron Firestone continue to move forward in their construction of the Diesel Difference website, which can be found at http://www.cleanair.org/dieseldifference/.

Mr. Cheung also announced that the Department of Energy will be accepting grant applications for the installation of anti-idling technologies on area diesel fleets. Up to two projects may be submitted from our region, at a maximum of $100,000 per project. Applications for potential projects are due by mid-March of 2004. This grant opportunity will be administrated through the Greater Philadelphia Clean Cities Program, for which Eric Cheung is the Coordinator. Please contact Eric Cheung as soon as possible at echeung@cleanair.org for additional information on the application process. For information on anti-idling, please access http://www.epa.gov/otaq/retrofit/idling.htm.


Due to time constraints, the January presentation by Rentar will be rescheduled for the February Diesel Difference Working Group meeting.


The next Diesel Difference Workgroup Meeting will be held from 10:00 AM until 12:30 PM on February 20, 2004 at the Alliance/Diesel Engine Transformations facility. For directions, please refer to http://www.alliancedet.com/eDirections.htm.
