





The following are links to other websites with information concerning clean diesel technologies and strategies.

Government Links

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - The federal environmental agency responsible for enforcing the Clean Air Act has a number of programs and resources available to address diesel emissions.

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection - The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has its own program to address diesel emissions through its environmental regulatory agency.

Philadelphia Air Management Services - Part of Philadelphia's Department of Public Health, Air Management Services is the City's regulatory agency on air quality issues and is the current Chair and co-coordinator of Philadelphia Diesel Difference.

U.S. Department of Energy - The federal agency responsible for promoting the country's energy security has programs addressing clean, renewable fuels and energy efficiency.

  • Clean Cities - The mission of the Clean Cities Program is to advance the nation's economic, environmental, and energy security by supporting local decisions to adopt practices that contribute to the reduction of petroleum consumption, including the use of alternative fuels and vehicles, fuel blends, increased fuel economy and hybrid vehicles.
  • EPAct - The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct) was passed by Congress to reduce our nation's dependence on imported petroleum by requiring certain fleets to acquire alternative fuel vehicles, which are capable of operating on nonpetroleum fuels.

California Air Resources Board - This entity of the California Environmental Protection Agency is charged with promoting and protecting public health, welfare and ecological resources through the effective and efficient reduction of air pollutants while recognizing and considering the effects on the economy of the state.

  • Currently Verified Technologies - CARB's current list of verified diesel emission control strategies. Philadelphia Diesel Difference promotes clean diesel technologies that are verified by either U.S. EPA or CARB.
  • Carl Moyer Program - The Carl Moyer Program provides incentive grants for clean diesel projects in California. It includes a helpful mechanism for calculating emissions reductions from clean diesel projects.
  • Diesel Programs and Activities
Association and Partnership Links

Mid-Atlantic Diesel Collaborative - A partnership between leaders from federal, state, and local government, the private sector, and environmental groups in Delaware , Maryland,Virginia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and the District of Columbia. The Collaborative is part of an overall national campaign to reduce diesel emissions.

Diesel Technology Forum - Formed in 2000, the Forum is dedicated to raising awareness about the economic importance and essential uses of diesel engines.

Greater Philadelphia Clean Cities Program - Its mission is to drive the wide scale use of cleaner fuels and fuel efficient technologies that reduce our dependence on oil through education and the creation of public and private partnerships throughout Eastern Pennsylvania.

National Biodiesel Board - The trade association representing the biodiesel industry.

Natural Gas Vehicles for America - The trade association that promotes natural gas-powered vehicles.

Electric Drive Transportation Association - The trade association that promotes the adoption of electric drive technologies, including hybrid electric vehicles, battery electric vehicles, and fuel cell electric vehicles.

National Propane Gas Association - The trade association that represents the U.S. propane industry. Promotes all uses of propane including as an alternative vehicle fuel.

Health and Environmental Advocate Links

Clean Air Council - The Council co-coordinates Philadelphia Diesel Difference. Air Quality forecasts for the Philadelphia region is available on the main Clean Air Council webpage.

American Lung Association - A nonprofit whose mission is to prevent lung disease and to promote lung health.

Union of Concerned Scientists - This science-based nonprofit works for a healthy environment and a safer world.

Clean Air Task Force - A nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring clean air and healthy environments through scientific research, public education, and legal advocacy.
