"Diesel School Buses: What to Expect in 2010 (Presentation given at the PA Association of School Business Officials 2010 Conference, March 11, 2010)" - PDF (2.3 MB) "Philadelphia Port Environmental Task Force - Partnering To Reduce Diesel Emissions (Presentationg given at The Faster Freight - Cleaner Air (East Coast) Conference, July 8, 2008)" - PDF (650 KB) "NCDC Funding: Philadelphia Port Equipment Project (From the EPA Funding Forum, Apr. 23, 2007)" - PowerPoint Presentation (863 KB) "Philadelphia Diesel Difference: Promoting Clean Diesel Projects (From the Planning for Clean Diesel Workshop, Mar. 10, 2006)" - PowerPoint Presentation (13.1 MB) "Fueling Up - Environmentally Safe Alternatives For School Vehicles (Presentation of the Clean Yellow Bus Association Of Southeastern Pennsylvania - PA Association of School Business Officials 2005 Annual Conference and Exhibits)" - PowerPoint Presentation (3.5 MB) "Cleaning Up School Bus Fleets: Less Fumes, Same Zoom (Presentation of the Southeastern Clean School Bus Coalition - PA Association Of School Business Officials 2004 Transportation Conference)" - PowerPoint Presentation (2.4 MB) "The Diesel Difference (Presentation By U.S. EPA Region III On The Health And Economic Impacts Of Diesel Pollution In The Philadelphia Region)" - PowerPoint Presentation (14.7 MB) "The Philadelphia Diesel Differences Adopt-A-School Bus Program: A Partnership For Cleaner Air (Corporate Sponsorship Template)" - PowerPoint Presentation (743 KB). "The Philadelphia Diesel Difference: A Partnership For Cleaner Air (General Template)" - PowerPoint Presentation (10.8 MB) (updated June, 2005). |