





May 11, 2005

Attending: Jack Lebeau, Larry Rosen, Lionel Gillston, Emily Bockian Landsburg, Janani Narayanan, Kirt Flowers, Laureen Boles, Sharon Davis, Ed Carreras, John Hadalski, Thomas Weir, Darlene Heep, Eric Cheung, Aaron Firestone, Sean Jacobs

I. Overview of DD Subcommittee on Port Emissions

II. Re-cap of EPA meeting at Port Authority office on 5/10/05

-Reaction of the Port operators to the presentation

    i. Somewhat optimistic
    ii. There was interest in working together
    iii. There were discrepancies between EPA data and the operators' assessment of what was happening at the ports (there needs to be a better inventory at the ports to clarify these differences)

-Upcoming EPA grants to work with Ports

    i. C.A.R.E. proposal due 5/20/05 - we need a port operator to sign on by the end of the week in order to apply.
    ii. There are at least 2 other grants coming up after C.A.R.E. Due dates are June 6 and June 27.

-A two-page working document was circulated outlining the pollution problems/potential solutions. Members of the subcommittee are encouraged to submit edits/suggestions to Eric.

III. Questions/Discussion on Ports

-What do we mean when we say "Ports"?
-Summary of history of air quality and regulation at ports in Philadelphia
-What is the productivity at Philly ports? Is it increasing?
-Where are the bulk of the port emissions coming from? Idling ships? Traffic on the port docks (trucks, cranes, etc.)?
-Where do we go from here?
i. How do we level the playing field so ships aren't forced into other "dirtier" East coast ports due to Philly port regulations?
ii. Port electrification
-Is it possible in Philly? Any incentives?
-This is a very expensive project that may not be cost effective and should be a saved for a later date

iii. Environmental Management System (EMS)

-There was little interest from port operators on 5/10
-Do any Philly ports have an EMS now?

iv. We need to work with ports on a much smaller scale

-Focus on smaller changes that wouldn't scare away business from the ports.
-Focus on port traffic on the ground (trucks, cranes, forklifts, etc.)
-Build relationships with port operators before tackling bigger issues like ships idling, EMS and electrification

v. What can we learn from other ports?

-How do we avoid re-inventing the wheel?
-Are Philly ports experiencing the same problems as other ports in the country?
-Is there a port(s) in Philly with a history of problems or a poor record on air quality? (Thomas to check)
-EPA findings through meetings with ports (problems identified and incentives for changes)

vi. What is the source of the emissions problems at ports?
vii. What are the Ports looking for in a partnership?

-Funding for equipment upgrades
-Keeping government regulators away

viii. If we get no response from an operator on the C.A.R.E. grant then we should focus on getting an operator on the Port subcommittee.

IV. Action Steps (Eric to assign)

-Invite port operator(s) to the table at our Port subcommittee meeting.
-Set up separate meetings with EPA and Port Authority.
-Assign a DD member to be a representative at the DVRPC freight subcommittee meetings.
-Assign a DD member to be a representative at the EPA port emissions committee.
-Information gathering on the questions raised at the meeting.