





February 13, 2004


  • Bill Coughlin - Sunoco, Inc. (Chair of Sub-Committee)
  • April Birnbaum - Air Management Services
  • Kirt Flowers - Amtrak Automotive
  • Lionel Gillston - Alliance/DET
  • Jack LeBeau - Rentar Environmental Solution


Old Business

  • On January 23, 2004, April Birnbaum participated in a conference call with the Region VI Office of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, in an effort to learn more about the dynamics of the Texas Adopt-A-SchoolBus Program. The Texas Adopt-A-SchoolBus Program operates on behalf of the Texas Chapter of the American Lung Association (a 501 c 3 organization) and is largely funded through government grants and enforcement settlement monies. Program staff at the EPA has been successful in obtaining corporate sponsorship donations by engaging the assistance of connections procured through high-level environmental and political officials (i.e. the EPA Region VI Administrator). Further, they have obtained financial donations through affiliations made at charity auctions, galas, and other fundraising events.
  • Contact has been procured with the Philadelphia Asthma Task Force, the Philadelphia Allies Against Asthma, and the Asthma Bus of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. It is expected that all of these organizations will endorse the Diesel Difference Working Group Charter.
  • The Clean Air Council completed an introductory outreach brochure on the Philadelphia Diesel Difference Coalition. The brochure will be distributed to the Working Group for review and comment. A final version of the document will be used as part of the Corporate Sponsorship Program.
  • April Birnbaum continues to work with SEPTA's Tom Nuxoll of Government Affairs and Relations, in an attempt to elevate the goals of the Philadelphia Diesel Difference within SEPTA's internal affairs.

New Business

  • The Corporate Sponsorship Program wishes to receive endorsements from national agencies and organizations, to further the constituency that will endorse its goals and objectives. Environmental organizations to be contacted include the Natural Resources Defense Council, Earthjustice, Environmental Defense, Greenpeace, and the Sierra Club. Contact also continues to be made with the regional chapters of the American Heart and American Lung Associations, in order to obtain endorsement at the national level.
  • A question was posed as to whether or not the Diesel Difference ought to consider the selection of a grouping of founding members, in addition to the category of members who have endorsed the charter. Founding members would adhere to a heightened level of responsibility and standards within the Working Group.
  • On February 9, 2004, April Birnbaum met with Latonia Peters, Project Coordinator for the AsthmaBUSters of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. Ms. Peters is interested in incorporating the goals of the AsthmaBUSters with those of the Diesel Difference and installing clean diesel technologies into the double-decker British diesel bus that houses the AsthmaBUSters program.
  • April Birnbaum and Aaron Firestone participated in a New Membership Orientation at the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce on February 10, 2004. This meeting served as a briefing for the Philadelphia Diesel Difference on the benefits and upcoming events offered to members of the Chamber of Commerce and a networking opportunity with other members of the Chamber.
  • April Birnbaum and Aaron Firestone will be participating in "From the Ground Up," a Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce Forum and Trade Show held on February 24, 2004, focused upon regional construction and development. The Diesel Difference aims to educate local construction companies employing off-road diesel engines on the benefits of installing clean diesel technologies onto their fleets, including the public relations opportunities offered by our non-monetary recognition program.
  • A draft copy of a Corporate Sponsorship Power Point Presentation circulated within the Corporate Sponsorship Sub-Committee. A meeting to review the presentation with Corporate Sponsorship Sub-Committee members occurred on February 18, 2004. Areas that remain under construction include a cost/benefit analysis for diesel particulate matter and a targeted, interim financial goal for the corporate sponsorship program.
  • Bill Coughlin will continue to investigate the potential advertising capabilities housed by Sunoco's Welcome America campaign.