December 7, 2003 PARTICIPANTS:
PURPOSE: The Corporate Sponsorship Committee was established to identify, develop, and implement a corporate sponsorship program for the Diesel Difference Working Group. This program is based on a corporate sponsorship model stemming from the Texas Adopt-A-School Bus Program, whose proceeds and efforts aim at implementing clean diesel technologies on school buses in the Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston/Galveston areas. For more information on this program, please access the Adopt-A-School Bus website at: ORGANIZATION: The sub-committee developed an approach for an organizational structure of our Corporate Sponsorship Program [CSP]. Ultimately, the execution of the CSP could be placed in the hands of a Steering Committee, which may include high-ranking officials of the following organizations, as well as members of the Corporate Sponsorship sub-committee:
ROLE OF VENDORS: Agreement was reached relative to the role of vendors participating in the sub-committee. Vendors can and will bring value to the effort through their understanding of organizational structure and business contacts. Knowledge of fleet operations and industry culture are paramount benefits that can be invested in the sub-committee efforts. Clearly, the vendor's primary responsibility is to advance the charter of the Diesel Difference program: not to sell products or solutions. CORPORATE SPONSORS: The role of a corporate sponsor is to assist the CSP through a contribution of financial services earmarked for the implementation of clean diesel technologies and/or in-kind services that facilitate and achieve the program's desired results. Diesel Difference Working Group vendors can become corporate sponsors, if they see fit. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION: Discussion around the role of the ALA included how this organization can help to focus the corporate community on the health risks associated with diesel emissions. A critical success factor in bringing the CSP to fruition is to ensure that the corporate community is educated and passionate about helping to make change sooner versus later. The sub-committee has determined that contacting the ALA at the national level will serve two purposes. First, alerting the ALA of the Philadelphia effort can secure their endorsement of our CSP. Secondly, their support at the local level will help to develop the necessary educational tools to employ in leveraging the corporate community. FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS: It is evident that additional meetings of the Corporate Sponsorship Sub-committee are required. These meetings will address the following tabled issues: